The basic premise on which the Montessori Method for preschool is predicated is that human beings are naturally curious, and therefore, children should be educated as per their natural phases of development, and the best of what actually works in terms of education.
Whie many of the key ingredients of a successful Montessori education seem like lofty ambitions, they are actually fairly obvious and pragmatic statements about learning.
Just a few such notions are as follows :
- Getting an early start. Formation of good habits early on contributes significantly to future success.
- Design physical spaces to encourage the type of activities that need to be accomplished in those spaces. If certain outcomes are expected from students, this should be reflected in the design of the physical space which house their activities.
- Interested and engaged students do better work. As a result, teachers should provide options, incorporate student ideas, capitalize and incentivize on student interests whenever possible.
- The child makes the student. All kids are not the same. Students should be taught to respect and appreciate diversity, and teachers should understand that the varying backgrounds, motivations, and life experiences are all important to the learning process.
- The best way to demonstrate mastery is by teaching someone else. Also on the flip side, sometimes “a more capable peer” is able to get through to someone far better than a teacher.
- There’s a lot more to education than a test can measure. Skills such as collaboration, leadership, persistence, self-motivation, curiosity are valuable assets for a child's growth.
Video - The Montessori Approach in Mandarin